
It’s the last weekend in April, and things seem to be getting crazy busy.

We spent last weekend in New York, celebrating SB’s 28th birthday. Happy birthday, SB! We had a great time, saw lots of friends, and ate lots of things that are bad for us.

Thursday was the last day of metadata. I should be hard at work on my final project, but instead I just planted our balcony garden – herbs, lettuce, two kinds of tomatoes, strawberries, and maybe some onions.

I’ve been taking advantage of the nice weather to take 2-3 mile walks on my lunch, which this week resulted in my first sunburn of the season. It is very weird to already have so much color!

Tonight and tomorrow SB and I are going to see the CUBS vs the Nationals. I’ll be cheering for the former, SB for the latter. There’s a chance of rain, but that can’t dampen my enthusiasm.

Happy birthday, Shane!

We spent Shane’s birthday weekend in NYC, visiting friends and museums and eating way too much. We’re both back to work today – what a drag! Thanks to all those who contributed to our super fun weekend!

Weeding (tip of the week!)

I’m engaged in a never-ending battle against the accumulation of print materials.  You might have guessed that this was a problem, given that we’re a household of librarians who also have a small cat that likes to bite paper.  Sonya tipped me off last week to a great option for my no longer needed books – Powell’s!  Instead of having to sort through my books, load up a laundry basket, drive around to the myriad used bookstores, and get pennies on the dollar – you can enter in your ISBNs, review their offer, and then ship the books (postage paid) off to Oregon for their resale pleasure.  The only downside to this arrangement is that you get store credit instead of cash dollars – but really, that’s fine by me.

Powell’s Books – Sell Us Your Books

Grandpa Update

Grandpa came home from the hospital yesterday. Mom reports that he’s up and around – but very weak, so things like walking downstairs for breakfast, then back upstairs to shower are wearing him out. I guess this week they’re really trying to assess whether he’ll get stronger as a result of the activity necessary to live at home – or if the time has finally come for my grandparents to move out of their house. They’ve been guilt-tripping us with that threat for the last decade – but at this point I think we’d all be relieved, not sad, if they followed through on it.

Thank you all for your thoughts and encouragement.

Things I haven’t had in way too long:

  • sushi (although I’m still a wuss and can’t really do the fresh fish deal)
  • Kopi’s tuna salad salad
  • curry that didn’t come out of a microwaveable packet
  • guacamole from Taco Loco
  • Passover dinner with Hannah and Sarah

We’ve been watching John Adams this week, and I just wanted to let you, my internet comrades, know that it’s a damned fine miniseries. It’s moving and well-acted, and has both of us interested in refreshing our memories of American history.

Big City Moments

So I just left work to walk to a doctor’s appointment – only to get to K Street and discover that it’s blocked off between 19th and 21st – cop cars, police line tape, the whole shebang.  I asked a friendly officer what was going on, and he said that there was a suspicious package, and could we all please move off the street corner.  Back to work for me!