Two questions for you, oh Internet friends

1. Yesterday I wore an emerald green above the knee A-line wool skirt that belonged to my aunt when she was in high school and college. I love this skirt and would be exceedingly happy if I could own it in every color of the rainbow. Does anyone have an above the knee A-line skirt pattern they particularly love? I get really overwhelmed whenever I start looking.

2. What blogs do you guys read every day or so? I have a few new favorites, but I’m kind of interested in other people’s reading habits right now.

0 thoughts on “Two questions for you, oh Internet friends

  1. If your Aunt’s skirt is the one you want, you should use *it* as the pattern. You can do a lot witou even needed to take it apart into its component pieces. If you haven’t ever done this before, turn the skirt inside out and compare it to the pattern in ReadyMade (or wherever) and make adjustments that way.

    And if none of this makes sense, maybe it is time for a GSLIS “stitch and bitch” night!

    As for blogs I read, well, I have every single GSLIS’er (that I’ve been able to find) in my Bloglines account…


  2. p.s. the above is a blog I’ve been reading for years and has been my favorite for years. his sense of humor, stories, and recounted conversations with his partner are hilarious. check it out.

    p.p.s. in terms of the skirt, i go to whenever i want to look for stuff like that. great site…


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