Shredding, Week 2

This afternoon I knocked out day 10 of the 30 Day Shred.  Since we last talked about this, I’ve gotten into a four day rotation: three days of shredding, then a day off.  I’ve spent the off days groaning about my soreness and/or going on increasingly long runs, which is an unexpected and pretty fantastic side effect of this process.  For the last few months, my runs were consistently 2-3 miles, but very rarely more than that.  I’ve run outside in my new shoes four times, and three of those – including the two this week – were over four miles.  Easily over four miles.  Comfortably over four miles.  Easily and comfortably to the point that I would’ve gone further if I hadn’t had to finish my runs going uphill into the snow while running on the slushy streets in the growing dark.

Let’s just say that if I wasn’t before, I am now a 30DS convert.  I’ve increased my weights and doubled my pushups in the strength intervals.  I’m a lot less sore than I was a week ago.  I’ve felt great on my runs – minimal soreness and improved stamina, which makes a huge difference when running in these conditions.  I’ve also lost 2.4 pounds and 2.5 inches.  Some of that is almost certainly the receding holiday bloat and the normal shifts during my cycle, but still!  Inches don’t lie.  Neither does the slinky stretchy dress I wore to dinner last night.

I’ve been feeling pretty guilty (and hung over) for most of today because last night was full of all sorts of (delicious gooey melty boozey) excess, but apart from that, I’ve been feeling pretty damned fantastic.  I’m turning 31 tomorrow, and I’m in very nearly the best shape of my life.  I’ll drink to that, though not tonight. 🙂

0 thoughts on “Shredding, Week 2

  1. Good for you, honey – I’m proud and impressed, as always. And the more you talk about it, the more I’m thinking about it – I’d love to see those kind of results in my runs. I’ll call tomorrow!


  2. I’m glad you’re having success! I quit after Day 11, when it became apparent that my knees were not going to be able to handle any more Jillian.

    However, I joined the Y on Friday and went both yesterday and today, so I’m still on the wagon as far as exercise is concerned. Just no 30DS.


  3. U rock, and are inspiring me, too. At some point I need to realize that the rigors of house-work and child-chasing just aren’t enough -even though they frequently cause me to break out in a sweat 🙂


  4. Ok, you’re kinda making me want to try this 30 Day Shred business. Although hilarity ensued when G peered over my shoulder and asked what 30 Day Shed was about and why it has you going on increasingly long ruts. mmm-hmm.


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